Experimental endpoints that may change or disappear at any time.
ποΈ Get the number of change requests you can do something with
Returns the number of change requests in this project that your user can move into the next stage by approving or applying them.
ποΈ Get all feedback events.
Get all feedback events.
ποΈ Submit user feedback
Allows users to submit feedback.
ποΈ Get SCIM settings.
Returns the current settings for SCIM provisioning.
ποΈ Set SCIM settings.
Sets new settings for SCIM provisioning.
ποΈ Generates a new SCIM API token.
Generates a new SCIM API token. Previously generated tokens will be invalidated.
ποΈ Get all release plan templates.
Returns a list of all release plan templates.
ποΈ Create a release template.
Creates and returns a release template.
ποΈ Get a release plan template by its id.
Finds and returns a release plan template by the provided id.
ποΈ Deletes a release plan template by its id.
Finds and deletes a release plan template by the provided id.
ποΈ Updates a release plan template by its id.
Finds and updates a release plan template by the provided id. Will delete existing milestones and create new ones from the body
ποΈ Archives a release plan template by its id.
Finds and archives a release plan template by the provided id.
ποΈ Adds a milestone to a release plan.
Finds release plan identified by its id and adds a milestone
ποΈ Updates existing milestone
Finds milestone by id, and updates to body included in request
ποΈ Removes an existing milestone
Deletes an existing milestone and all attached strategies beneath it
ποΈ Adds a strategy to a milestone.
Finds milestone identified by its id and adds a strategy.
ποΈ Updates a strategy attached to a milestone
Overwrites existing strategy configuration for the strategy referenced by the id
ποΈ Removes a strategy attached to a milestone
Deletes the milestone strategy
ποΈ Connect to the streaming API.
Connects to the client features SSE streaming API.
ποΈ Get partial updates (SDK)
Initially returns the full set of feature flags available to the provided API key. When called again with the returned etag, only returns the flags that have changed
ποΈ Disconnect all clients.
Disconnects all streaming clients.
ποΈ Archive project
Archive the provided project. All feature flags in the project must be archived before you can archive the project.
ποΈ Revive project
Revive the specified project from the archive.
ποΈ Get aggregated traffic data for a given time period.
Gets traffic usage data for the selected period, either aggregated by day or by month.
ποΈ Get aggregated metered connections for a given time period.
Gets metered connections count for the selected period, either aggregated by day or by month.
ποΈ Get aggregated metered requests for a given time period.
Gets metered requests count for the selected period, either aggregated by day or by month.
ποΈ Get instance information
Gets high level information about the usage of this Unleash instance, including user, project, and flag information.
ποΈ Subscribe to email subscription
Subscribe to email subscription e.g. monthly productivity report. By default everyone is subscribed. This API is mostly used by hosted Unleash.
ποΈ Unsubscribe from email subscription
Unsubscribe from email subscription e.g. monthly productivity report. This API is mostly used by hosted Unleash.
ποΈ Get instance information
Gets high level information about the usage of this Unleash instance, including user, project, and flag information. This endpoint is deprecated and will be removed in a future minor version. Please use `/api/admin/insights` instead.
ποΈ Retrieves all licensed users data.
Fetches an array of licensed users with date and count.
ποΈ Get project status
This endpoint returns information on the status the project, including activities, health, resources, and aggregated flag lifecycle data.
ποΈ Get feature lifecycle
Information about the lifecycle stages of the feature.
ποΈ Set feature completed
This will set the feature as completed.
ποΈ Set feature uncompleted
This will set the feature as uncompleted.
ποΈ Get personal dashboard
Return all projects and flags that are relevant to the user.
ποΈ Get personal project details
Return personal dashboard project events, owners, user roles and onboarding status